Emergency Preparedness Tools for New Yorkers

September is Emergency Preparedness Month

There’s no shortage of excitement in New York City, and while events like an unexpected street fair or bumping into an old friend can be a great surprise, the realities of living in a big city mean there are other types of surprises as well, like transit disruptions, power outages and inclement weather.  Events that interrupt the day-to-day flow of life in New York are broadly categorized as “Emergency Events” and while they are understandably a source of anxiety for many, just a little thought and planning can go a long way towards protecting yourself and your loved ones from the unexpected.

The month of September is observed as Emergency Preparedness Month, and in an effort to better protect our clients, caregivers and community at-large, this article provides resources and tools you can use now to ensure you are ready for the unexpected.

Why Be Prepared?

While city, state and federal organizations provide the public with vital services during emergency events, there are limits to these resources.  By having supplies and a personal emergency plan already in place before an emergency event, you ensure your personal safety and allow first responders to assist those most at risk.

NYC Emergency Management and You

One of the absolute best resources for New Yorkers looking to protect themselves and their loved ones from emergency events is the New York City Emergency Management Website, which serves as a clearinghouse for emergency information and tools you can use to organize a personal emergency plan and review the readiness of your home for a variety of emergency events.

While there are countless online resources for emergency preparation information, New Yorkers are highly encouraged to start their research at the NYC Emergency Management Website, as it covers all major hazards that impact New York City, as well as specific information about the resources locally available in the five boroughs.

Building Your Emergency Plan at Home

NYC Emergency Management places a huge emphasis on citizens developing their own personal emergency plans for themselves and their household.  These plans include means to overcome communication interruptions, list a variety of meeting places for family members, help families organize emergency supplies and outline important documents, medications and other vital items that you might need during an emergency event.

The Emergency Management Pocket Guide is a great way for those new to the concept of emergency preparedness to begin protecting themselves and their loved ones by identifying key emergency prep elements they should consider for their household.

In order to best prepare your household for an emergency, however, it is recommended readers review and complete a full My Emergency Plan booklet with their family.  This 24-page guide and plan book offers extremely detailed information about what to expect during a variety of emergency and can be used as a reference guide by everyone in your household.

For younger children, NYC Emergency Management also offers kid-friendly guidebooks and a teen-focused series of short stories discussing a variety of emergency preparedness topics as well as resources for protecting your pets during an emergency event and senior-specific information.

Stay Informed with Notify NYC

New Yorkers interested in receiving real-time updates on local and city-wide emergency events by text or email can also enroll in the Notify NYC program.  This system gives users early warnings about events like planned road closures or hazardous weather patterns, as well as minute-by-minute updates on ongoing emergency events.

Emergency Planning for Your Community

Once you are confident your loved ones are prepared, why stop at your front door?  NYC Emergency Management also offers a wealth of information on how you can assist others in your community better prepare for emergencies, including a toolkit for building a community response plan and even runs an “emergency preparedness bootcamp” for community leaders.

SelectCare hopes you take advantage of these emergency preparedness tools and take some time to consider how you and your loved ones can prepare for future emergency events.

If you are concerned about the safety of yourself or a loved one during emergency events, now might be the time to call SelectCare or request a free in-home care guide.  All SelectCare clients receive personalized emergency plans developed by their RN Field Nurse Supervisor that are updated alongside a client’s changing needs and can give your family the peace of mind you deserve.