How to Improve a Hospital Stay

Spending one or more nights in a hospital bed following treatment is a bucket list item most of us would rather leave unchecked, but the reality is that remaining under supervision following a surgery or other procedure can be a necessary part of the recovery process. Arriving at the hospital… read more

Street Safety for Seniors

New York City’s walkability and public transit networks are two major factors that make it an incredible location for those who wish to age-in-place. While the city’s density of hospitals, community centers, and groceries make staying engaged in the community easier than more car-dependent locales, traffic accidents still present a… read more

Are ‘Granny Cams’ Legal in New York?

Whether you are beginning in-home health care or moving into a senior residence, concerns around safety are incredibly common, especially for families who are new to these types of living arrangements. Long-term care relationships depend on trust, but some families appreciate the additional peace of mind provided by installing discrete… read more

National Low Vision Awareness Month

Each February, we take a moment to focus on a group often overlooked: those living with low vision.  It’s not blindness, but a spectrum of experiences where everyday tasks like reading, recognizing faces, or navigating become more challenging.  While glasses or contacts may not be enough, this doesn’t mean individuals… read more

February is American Heart Month

February isn’t just about love; it’s also American Heart Month, a time to prioritize our most vital organ. While heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the U.S., the good news is that a significant portion of it is preventable. This year, the American Heart Association’s theme is… read more