Five Ways Alexa Changes Aging in Place

Most marketing for Amazon’s voice-activated in-home assistant, Alexa, puts 20 to 30-somethings in the forefront of their ads, but older adults might have even more to gain by adopting this increasingly popular technology. Here are five ways seniors can leverage the power of Alexa to change their daily routines. Household… read more

Candoo Tech Gently Ushers Seniors into the Information Age

The average American household is wired with more innovative technology now than ever before, and while “smart” devices give users new and exciting means to tackle ages-old challenges, steep learning curves can make adopting new technology an intimidating feat for even the most adventurous older adult. Enter local entrepreneur Liz… read more

5 Unexpected Ways Home Health Care Can Help

Unlike other types of elder care, home health care is unique in that the services provided are built almost exclusively around the individual social, physical and psychological needs of the patient. Thanks to the incredibly personalized nature of home health care, SelectCare’s team has found itself improving the day-to-day lives… read more